We've just got back into the office following a busy week at Infosec 2014, where we spent 3 days catching up, networking, manning the stand and listening to the odd talk.

I had the joys of speaking at one of the new “silent conferences”.  Due to the acoustic issues of running several speaking sessions in the same big hall, the organisers have finally bowed to pressure and dished out headphones instead.

So whilst the attendees can hear the speaker, the speaker can still barely hear him/herself against the background noise and any interaction kept to an absolute minimum.  Here's my attempt, anyway:

YouTube video

The success and huge volume of delegates to conferences like Infosec go a long way to prove that companies still believe products will solve their problems.

Vendors are still putting their software onto funky coloured appliances and it seems companies will just buy a product because it will look nice in their rack.

Even the seasoned independent cyber security consultant becomes apathetic after a while, especially given the arsenal of million dollar marketing machines aimed at ensuring the latest, brightest coloured box is firmly in the average company's procurement budget.

Product doesn't solve security problems, people do.

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