2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

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Information Security & ISO 27001

Cyber Risks across increasingly digital businesses

Cyber risk. Overlooked? Ignored? Under-appreciated?   Well, that’s exactly how most information security professionals must feel when trying to raise funds to fix security holes. The challenge we face isn’t the business failing to grasp cyber risk, it’s addressing the communications gap between technical staff and business owners. In turn, business owners don’t like spending […]

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Cyber Security Insurance

What should organisations consider if they are to prepare for cyber insurance?   Many businesses think their insurance policies would cough up if they are brought to their knees by a devastating cyber attack, but unsurprisingly, most business insurance policies were written 50 years ago to cover tangible losses only; and aren’t automatically updated to

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Top 3 Cyber Security Questions

Three Cyber Security questions that flummox 95% of businesses These days there is generally a high degree of awareness about cyber security within most businesses. Largely thanks to several high-profile breaches and rising government regulation, cyber security is often discussed at levels within large companies. However, despite this upward trend there are several questions that

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CISO Priorities Q3-Q4

Over the past 90 days 2-SEC has met with many leading CIOs and CISOs to discuss where they see developing trends in cyber security. Whilst many said they had seen huge improvements across the industry over the last year, there were five trends that over 90% saw as both developing as well as significantly alarming: A lack of board understanding. Whilst many

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