2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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ethical hacking

Introduction to Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing, Pen Testing, Red Teaming, Security Assessment, IT Health Check and Ethical Hacking are common phrases that describe what we do, that ultimately all mean the same thing – whether or not a determined adversary can gain unauthorised access to your systems. This can be further broken down into Black, Grey and White box

Introduction to Penetration Testing Read More »

A single cyber attack can cost thousands in damage: why your business needs penetration testing.

PENETRATION TESTING Cyber-crime costs UK businesses up to £22 bn each year (source: The Cost of Cybercrime, the Cabinet Office). The number of cyber-attacks is also increasing year on year, and both small and larger businesses are being targeted by criminals for their sensitive data and supplier and client information. Penetration testing is the key

A single cyber attack can cost thousands in damage: why your business needs penetration testing. Read More »

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