2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

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Cyber Rescue Plan

The Cyber Rescue Plan has been put together to offer a unique approach to Cyber Security Transformation, covering major Cyber Risks and Common Vulnerabilities, and presenting both a Unified Threat Report and Cyber Rescue Plan to your Company.   Cyber Plan on demand services: Business, Legal and Privacy Impact Analysis Cyber Incident Response Penetration Testing, […]

Cyber Rescue Plan

Don’t use the Equifax example: How you SHOULD communicate a data breach

Another day, another data breach and yet another apology. After hackers stole private data of Equifaxโ€™s 143 million customers (including data from 400,000 UK residents), their new CEO Paulino do Rego Barros Jr, wrote an open letter that was published by the Wall Street Journal on 27ย September. “On behalf ofย Equifax,ย I want to express my sincere

Don’t use the Equifax example: How you SHOULD communicate a data breach Read More ยป

Wanna Cry. Our analysis.

Ransomware has been a recognised issue for some time, however to date, perhaps only one or two systems in a company might have become infected by the wayward clicks of a bored receptionist. Ransomware has rarely been a business-critical issue. Wanna Cry changed that. Not only did it infect single machines, as classic ransomware does,

Wanna Cry. Our analysis.

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