2|SEC Cyber Security Blog

The Cyber Sentinel

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Cyber Rescue Plan

The Cyber Rescue Plan has been put together to offer a unique approach to Cyber Security Transformation, covering major Cyber Risks and Common Vulnerabilities, and presenting both a Unified Threat Report and Cyber Rescue Plan to your Company.   Cyber Plan on demand services: Business, Legal and Privacy Impact Analysis Cyber Incident Response Penetration Testing,

Cyber Rescue Plan

How to increase your business resilience

Resilience is a buzz word in board rooms in the UK at the moment; but for a VERY good reason. Control Risks, the heavyweight global business risk consultancy, recently published aย survey on theย โ€œThe State of Enterprise Resilienceโ€ for 2016-17. [The State of Enterprise Resilience Survey 2016/7 – https://www.controlrisks.com/en/services/security-risk/the-state-of-enterprise-resilience-survey-2016-2017] ย They explain business resilience as โ€œan organisation

How to increase your business resilience

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